Disability Insurance
Your income earning capacity is your most valuable asset and we believe this should be protected and insured like any other asset. Your career represents years of education and hard work; it also is how you support your lifestyle, family and household. We understand protecting income from real world hazards like disability and sickness. We believe every household should develop their own plan based on their situation and we can help formulate a plan for you. There are several strategies to protect and plan for a potential loss of income.
In the event of becoming ill or sustaining an injury that prevents you from working for a period of time, disability income insurance can replace a portion of your income. Disability is a tool and we are experts in this market place helping physicians, attorneys, engineers, executive, dentists and many more. Through our independence we can help you compare top insurance companies including Guardian, Standard, Ameritas, Principal, Unum, Berkshire, Mass Mutual, Mutual of Omaha, and Ohio National. Our independent audit program gives clients a side-by-side comparison of available insurance companies to effectively decide on the best option for them and their family.
An individual disability insurance policy is a legal contract that is established between you (the policy owner) and the insurance company, and like most legal documents this creates a large amount of confusion and misunderstanding. With a lifeline of income and financial security at risk, it is crucial that the policy protecting you is in fact what you believe it to be.